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Understanding How You Can Fight Charge Backs

February 12, 2013 by · Leave a Comment 

Fraudulent charge backs are something that every online business has to deal with day in and day out.  Before you can learn how to fight these charge backs, you first and foremost need to understand what they are.  A charge back is when a customer will actually dispute a charge that has appeared on their credit card.  The dispute is a claim that they basically did not receive the product or service that they paid for when they made their purchase.  Some of these charge backs may be fraudulent, an attempt by the customer to get product fee of charge.

Charge backs are something that can cost online businesses a lot of money out of their own pocket.  They can cut into your sales in a big way.  One of the best ways to fight a charge back is to keep the most thorough documentation possible.  By maintaining an immense amount of documentation in the form of sales invoices, shipping confirmations, and so on, you can prove that you shipped out a product and made every effort possible to complete a sale.  By maintaining documentation, fraudulent charge backs can be highly minimized.  Companies who do not maintain documentation can get taken advantage of by dishonest consumers very easily.

The fact of the matter is that with a good partner such as Solid trust pay you can keep fraudulent charge backs to a minimum.  Charge backs can be fought by Solidtrustpay.com thanks to their professional experts who can keep your business sales safe and secure.  Solidtrustpay can set you up with a merchant account, and get your sales rolling in.