Avoid Debt – Advice on avoiding debt & bad credit issues
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When to contact a debt-relief company

Often times we seek help from a debt-relief company when we are unable to pay what we owe and do not desire to file for bankruptcy. Before you decide to contact a debt-relief company, do your homework first. Clearly understand the difference between debt settlement and debt consolidation. In a debt settlement you will negotiate and pay less than the full amount you owe. In a debt consolidation... [Read more]

How to handle personal taxes in a bankruptcy filing

When filing for bankruptcy, everyone wonder whether they can eliminate paying taxes owed. It is a complicated matter and usually depends on the type of tax and other circumstances. Here are some guidelines but always seek professional help. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, in order to get a discharge of taxes: The tax return must have been first due at least three years before the bankruptcy filing; The... [Read more]

Impact of student loans

In 2011, outstanding student loan balances were closer to $1 trillion. This was more than the outstanding credit card debt for the same period. Recent college graduates carry an average of $25,000 student loan debt. This is a heavy burden on recent college graduates of 25 to 34 years old. Some higher studies college graduates especially in the medical field carry even larger student loan balance... [Read more]

Boomers are paying down the mortgages

Baby boomers are retiring in droves. The median age of U.S. population has climbed higher for four years since 1999 and will climb higher again by 2030. According to Freddie Mac, more Americans are paying down their mortgages. Fifty percent of 2010 third quarter refinancing resulted in smaller mortgages than before. Why it is happening now? There are several reasons for the surge in smaller mortgages.... [Read more]

Avoid spending money that you don’t have

It’s a beautiful word when it comes to using your credit cards. The word “avoid” is a great weapon in reducing or completely eliminating your credit card debt. Here are some avoids you can practice: Avoid getting more than one or two credit cards. Cancel extra cards that you don’t use. Avoid borrowing to pay debt. This is a vicious circle that you can’t get out. Avoid credit cards that... [Read more]

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